Nikéca & Fendera ще разказват музикални приказки до рояла, а ние ще слушаме и ще се обичаме на топло в Арта
Nikéca & Fendera ще разказват музикални приказки до рояла, а ние ще слушаме и ще се обичаме на топло в Арта
The “Musical Guide to Stage Spaces in Bulgaria” is the result of the two-year project for wide-ranging mapping of the music sector in the country, which the BMA launched in 2020 as part of its sectoral initiatives. The aim of the project is to improve information provision and support the development of effective cultural policies and financing mechanisms.
The application is open to all stage spaces in Bulgaria, offering easy and quick access to an extensive array of data. This enables artists-performers to plan their activities without wasting time on additional research, making the process more efficient and easy.
We believe that this product will be of great benefit not only to the music sector, but also to all other performing arts, helping to facilitate their integration and development in the cultural scene of Bulgaria.
The app will be free for download at the end of January 2025.